50/50 Draw

Tickets are $10.00 per square and the winner takes home $500.00. You can get your square by e-transfer to: nanamullin@icloud.com.Thanking you in advance for your support.Please share this draw information. Thanks.Licence # is:...

Alumni website move

The alumni website has been moved to a new hosting company (Web Host Canada). This was done for a few reasons: the new hosting has built in security encryption (Let’s Encrypt) the cost at our former hosting company was set to increase by 100% + Web host Canada...

Class of 1974 Plan Reunion

The class of 1974 are planning their 50th reunion for Friday , July 12th  2024 with a Meet and Greet @ 5:00 pm with Dinner at 6pm. Betty Rae’s granddaughter,  Emily Williamson has agreed to bring her guitar and entertain us with some 70’s music and also...

Alumni Grad helps with eMail Newsletter

High school Alumni, alumni reunions and simple contact with high school friends are a cherished tradition. They offer graduates, students and staff the chance to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about their school days, and celebrate their achievements since...

Class Reunion?

Having a Reunion? Contact your Alumni and we may be able to help. Just use our Contact page and one of our Alumni Board will contact you. We may be able to provide some classmate addresses. We can also post a notice of your Reunion details on our website and Facebook...