
1NSER Alumni Scholarships and Awards

The Alumni Association uses an on-line application system.  If you plan to apply you should carefully read the “How to apply” section on the the right.  It will assure that your application is considered and may result in you getting an Alumni scholarship.

Each year the Alumni Association gives a number of scholarships and awards to NSER students. Thousands of dollars are given.

The list of scholarships changes, however you can use our CONTACT page if you would like the current list.  Some of our scholarships are on-going from year to year.  Below are some of our Alumni Scholarships:

1 – $1000 Alumni Scholarship: Bruce and Leah Whipple Memorial

2 – $500 Alumni Scholarship (details)

3 – $750 Alumni Scholarship (For NON University applicants)
Only those that are going on to a NON University program can apply. This would include technical, technology, trade or private educational programs. (details)

4 – $250 Alumni Award: Carlee Carney Memorial Scholarship (details)

5 – $1000 Alumni Scholarship: Frances Wilson Stewart Memorial Scholarship (details)

6 – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship: Dr. Jerry Wilson Memorial (details)

7 – $1000+ Alumni McKenzie Scholarship
To be given to a graduate with “expressed interest in a career in physical education, physical activity promotion, or public health.” May be university or NON University programs (details)

8. – $1,000 Dr. Thom McKenzie Scholarship for the graduated that best details in a written document the importance of physical health and the NB government provincial policy toward health and how it might be improved.


Evaluation of applications

All award decisions will be made by the Alumni Educational Opportunities committee, however final approval rests with the Board.

The link on this page is for Scholarships only. If you are seeking other awards select Student awards in the Scholarships and Awards menu at the top.

Use our CONTACT page to get answers to your Scholarship questions.

How to apply

  • you should  have available your average grade for both grades 11 and 12 as you will need to attach them when you submit your application
  • also you should make up a list of all extra curricular activities that you have engaged in during grade 11 and 12. Only include activities that were at least 20 hours during the year. Be sure to indicate any leadership roles that you may have had.
  •  you will be required provide a write-up explaining why you should be chosen for an award. You might want to write this up on paper before you start.
  •  most application entries have a pop-up windows that offers suggestions on filling in the information requested. Be sure to read each of these.
  •  view the pdf version of the application before you start. Links to these forms are on the left.

There are 2 different types of awards that the Alumni Association makes available to students. Make sure that you complete the correct application form. 

While using the on-line system be sure to save your work periodically. 


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