School Projects
Awards in this category are based on applications received directly from the school administration to spend on items, activities or events, that will directly benefit the student body, or a major portion thereof.
Funding will not be made where such funding is the normal responsibility of the School, School District or the Department of Education. These awards are intended to help fund some extra things that normally go unfunded and that demonstrate innovation and creativity.
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Categories of awards
The school may apply for funding under one of the following two categories: The category must be checked during completion of the on-line application.
Category A
Funding to purchase any item that would benefit all students in the school, either now or in the future.
Some examples would be:
● a display for student activities, school events, awards etc.
● An award trophy, or some other form of recognition, that rewards achievement. The activity for which the award is given must be open to ALL student in the school. This might be a math, chess, oratory, art, design, “school spirit” or some similar competition
● food items for a “cultural food experience week”
● cost of organizing a “Veteran’s Recognition Day” such as newspaper ads, poster design and development, radio announcements, special newsletter to parents etc.
● subscriptions to on-line magazines
● software needed to enrich curriculum
● youth led projects to better the community or the environment
Category B
Funding for an activity or program that would allow the school to cover some cost toward having a presentation for the student body. This would allow the school to pay for some of the costs towards having the speaker make a presentation to the student body. Some examples might be:
● a motivational speaker
● cyber crime expert
● health and wellness professional
● cultural awareness facilitator
● leader in sustainability.
● published writer
● accomplished artist
● simulcast
The Category examples are just that. It is left to the school to determine what you would like to be considered for funding and then apply on-line.
Evaluation of applications
All award decisions will be made by the Alumni Educational Opportunities committee, however final approval rests with the Board.