Fall event coming soon...

Fund Raiser and Fall Celebration Coming

Alumni at work

The Alumni Executive and Board members are volunteers from the community.  Many are former graduates or staff of NSER highschool.  During Covid meetings have been held on-line.  Join us and help NSER students continue after highschool or help teachers or the school get funding support for projects.

Alumni Fund Raising for Scholarships

Previous Alumni Celebration

Graduation 1952

Graduation Class of 1952

2005 Reunion

1950's Hockey Team

Keep in the loop

Many of our Alumnus have updated their contact information since leaving NSER.  Take a minute and update yours HERE.

Donor Wall

Scholarship donors

From our Facebook Group

Graduation Rings

Graduation Rings

Great interest in a topic started by Dianne Mullin on our Facebook group.  She is looking for NSER alumni to share photos of their NSER graduation...

read more

From our Twitter Feed

At the end of the graduation year 2023 NSER Alumni will have awarded over $200,000 to NSER graduates and students

214 NSER graduates and students have received awards or scholarships from the Alumni.

The Alumni Association was formed in 1996 by former graduates, teachers and students.

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