Teacher Awards

Awards in this category shall available to any teacher at NSER high school to spend on an activity, program or item that will directly benefit his/her class or group of students. 

It is intended that funding will not be made where such funding is the normal responsibility of the School, School District, or Department of Education.

Preference will be give to applications that demonstrate innovation and creativity.

However it is left to the teacher to determine what he/she would like to have considered for funding, seek his/her principal’s approval, and apply on line.


Categories of Teacher Awards

Teachers may apply for funding under one of the following two categories: The category must be checked during completion of the on-line application.

Category A – Funding for a teaching item

Funding for a teaching item that will be used by the teacher to improve learning for the students in his/her class or group of students.  Examples could be:
● an aquarium, tools for teaching orienteering, a robot demonstration kit,
● software that can help student master the creation of portfolios, newsletters books, posters or magazines.
● a teaching app for a tablet, smart board, or smart phone

Category B – Funding for an event or activity

Examples would be:
● Attend a local workshop on sustainability
● Travel or honorarium for a local expert to present to the class or group
● Travel cost to hear a presentation by a science, math or other expert

The previous examples are only a very few of the possibilities.  It is left to the teacher to determine what he/she would like to have considered for funding, seek his/her principal’s  approval, and apply on line.

Evaluation of applications

All award decisions will be made by the Alumni Educational Opportunities committee, however final approval rests with the Board.