Donor Recognition Wall

In honour of contributors whose generosity make student awards and scholarships possible


Laureena Black
Ann & Michael Buzas
Michael Coster
Mildred Ferguson
Edgar & Ann Goodfellow
Vernon Goodfellow
Dawn Haddad
Fred & Leah Holmes
Whitney Matchett
Villa Matchett
Pam Matchett
Laurene B McAllister
Frank & Joan Menzies
Mi’kmaq First Nation Metapenagiag
Joan G Norton
Mike O’Shea
Heidi Ryder
Norma Sherrard
Daniel E Somers
Robert B Somers
Freeman Ward-Red bank Council Chief
Jeff Whipple
Lois Wightman


Faye Baisley
Weldon & Elizabeth Dunnett
Ruth Harris
Dan Johnston
Hayward & Elinor Leach
Diane & Jackie Mullin
Cecil Rolfe
Verne Somers
Vaughn Tozer
Joyce Ward
Andrew Whipple
Russell Whitney
Dr Rolla Wilson-King


Paul Copp
Edward C Curtis
Fay McAllister
Mike & Ann Buzas (Elemtree Resource)
(Canada) Inc MMD Mineral Sizing 
Roy & Ellen Silliker
Greg Stewart
Andrew Stewart
Daniel Stewart Trucking
Dr Nina & Greg Stewart Zigante Pro Corp
Andy Stewart-Fresh Start Training
Robert & Lois Travis
Catherine Walsh Estate
Bruce & Leah Whipple


Terry & Wendy Matthews
Helen & Benedict Mullin
Terry Scott
Marlin & Villa Urquhart
Frances A Walsh


 Exmoor Plus INC
Willis D & Marjorie Hamilton
Charles & Patricia Hubbard
Dr. Thomas McKenzie
Frank & Luanne Schenkels
Sylvia & Dr. Jerry Wilson
Charles & Velma Wilson

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