Alumni website move

The alumni website has been moved to a new hosting company (Web Host Canada). This was done for a few reasons: the new hosting has built in security encryption (Let’s Encrypt) the cost at our former hosting company was set to increase by 100% + Web host Canada...

New Graduate Listing Feature

The GRADUATES LISTING now indicates the maiden name of graduates as well as their current (married) last name. If there is other information that needs to be added in this listing please use our Contact page and we will see if it is possible to implement. If you...

Looking for NSER Principals Info

NSER school Principals We are looking for information about the principals that served at NSER.  We have a list up to 2011, thanks to the School that has a board in the entry way of principals.  It may have been updated since we took the a photo. If you have any...

Website renewal

After several weeks of work the Alumni website has been completely re-build from the ground up. A few sections are still being edited and will take 2-3 weeks more to finish. The Website now runs on WordPress and it is much easier to update and edit. Also the images...